Welcome to the Bob Rausch's home page for photographs of the Atlanta Figure Skating Club Adult skating program.
To go to the official Atlanta Figure Skating Club home page click the following link or click on the image to the left.
This is the web site where you can see all (most) of the pictures taken by Bob Rausch at the various adult figure skating competitions and social events. If you want to make prints - let me know and I will upload them to Walgreens where you can select and have them printed in 4x6 for approximately 19 cents per print. Just send me an email and I will invite you to share the pictures.
If you want the high resolution picture file in JPG format - send me an email indicting the picture number and I will email it to you. Each picture is approximately 1.5 MB in size; the clips are 5+ MB in size.
Send email to: rrausch@bobrausch.com
Please note that I took pictures of many but not all of the events. I also have some short Clips for a few of the interp - I and dance. They are large (>5MB) so you need a high speed link to view them; I suggest you let them load then watch them once they are fully loaded. The first time they will appear jerky - but after that it will be better.
>> Note that the short clips will be choppy as you first download them; hit the play again button and it will play smoothly once it is fully loaded. Each clip is approximately 15 seconds long and is 5+ MB. <<
Beth short clips for Silver III Clip 1, Clip 2, (Warm-up) Clip 3, Clip 4, Clip 5, Clip 6
Kristina short clips for Gold I Clip 1, (Warm-up) Clip 2, Clip 3, Clip 4, Clip 5, Clip 6
Jeannette short clips for Silver IV Clip 1, Clip 2, (Warm-up) Clip 3, Clip 4, Clip 5
Christina short clips for Gold III Clip 1, (Warm-up) Clip 2, Clip 3
Ellen and Lester short clips for Gold Pairs warm-up Clip 1, Clip 2, Clip 3
Phyllis and Rob short clips for Gold Pairs warm-up Clip 1, Clip 2, Clip 3, Clip 4, Clip 5
Kathy and John Silver Dance - this was on the South Rink which had a humidity problem making it difficult to shoot pictures or clips - Clip 1, Clip 2, Clip 3
Pictures from the exhibition on Friday 3/2
More to come . . .
Click here for the link to the Peach Classic 2005 - All Events
Click here for the link to the exhibition pictures taken 22 August 2004
Click here for the link to the Peach Classic 2004 - Saturday Events
Click here for the link to the Peach Classic -2004 Sunday Events
Short Clips (from Peach 2004): (Peach 2005 - scroll down)
>> Note that the clips will be choppy when you first download them - hit the play again button and it will play smoothly once it is fully loaded <<
Short Clips (from Peach 2005):
Kristen 1
Kristen 2
Kristen 3